Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Priesthood Power

I am so grateful for living Prophets and Apostles! I can not name the number of times over the last 6 months in which I have read or heard a full or part of a talk by one of those GREAT men in which the talk was written for ME! I swear to you...I think Heavenly Father had me in mind when helping them prepare their talks!

I am so grateful for the Priesthood and having that here on this earth! To have a living prophet here on this earth, to have apostles...all these things are amazing blessings that are so EASY to take advantage of!

I know that my Father in Heaven loves me! I know that He is watching over me! I can not even express in words (verbally or written) the Love, gratitude, appreciation, respect, etc. I have for my Father in Heaven!

When I look at the amazing men in my life: my husband, my father, my father in law, my bishop and all other church leaders...I see a glimpse of who Heavenly Father truly is! Each of these men are loving, caring, guiding and enduring. Each of these men have compassion. Each of these men hold the Priesthood of our Father in Heaven and use it with dignity.

I am so grateful to a Father in Heaven that allows me these "glimpses" of who He is and in turn shows me who I can become!

Trials are sooo hard but the blessings that come from them are so deep and rich that I could and would NEVER trade them (although I would like to add, I hope I have learned what I needed from this and can we please have the business provide the income we need now).

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