Tuesday, December 21, 2010

O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree, How lovely are thy branches (especially when lit 24/7)

I love Christmas trees.

During the Christmas season I love to just sit in the living room with the lights off and the tree lights on, starring at the tree. It brings so much peace to my soul.

Growing up I HATED when my parents would say, "Turn off the tree lights and come to bed". It just killed me. As an adult, I found I felt the same way...it just killed me to turn the lights off. There was 1 night that the tree lights stayed on all night and that was Christmas Eve. I was always sad that the 1 night I had to go to bed early was the night the tree lights stayed on all night long.

After Ben and I got married the tradition of turning off the tree still killed me, but I did it anyway. We had both been raised where the tree lights were turned off each night and turned back on the following evening. This year is the first year I had a realization - I am now the mom! I can now make the decision to leave the tree lights on 24/7. I am happy to announce I LOVE being the adult for once! I love that my tree lights can be on all day and all night. (Now they aren't because well we have pesky cats that have learned how to turn them off...but they turn them back on within a short while.)**

I love the peace a Christmas tree turned on and shining brings to me. There is nothing I can compare it to. I love to see and FEEL the memories on the tree. I love the feeling of the Spirit. I could sleep on the couch every night during the Christmas season...close to the warmth of the beautiful tree.

**I would like to note: You don't need to fear the over-heating and fire issues. I do pay attention to the heat. We also have a tree that is all LED lights so they don't heat up the same. Our tree is also not real. The combination of these three things does help my love for tree lights 24-7.

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