Saturday, July 30, 2011


My iron is low again. My life is once again feeling overwhelming. Amazing how such a little mineral/vitamin/whatever makes such a HUGE difference in life and how you can deal, cope and move forward.

I am exhausted. I need to get into the doctor but even the thought of making an appointment makes me tired, much less finding the time and going!!

Ugh. I think that is all I have to say for now.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Happy Happy Birthday Katy Dear!!

My baby girl went and grew up! My heart is so full! My life is so much richer and deeply blessed because of this BEAUTIFUL girl! Heavenly Father blessed me more than I ever deserved!

She is witty and sweet. Kind and caring. She would give the shirt off her back to anyone in need. She finds any and every opportunity to serve and show love to those she loves and even to strangers at times. Her heart is as big as Alaska and she loves with all of it. Her family is not limited to just Ben, Lyse and I. Her family is extended family and close friends. Her greatest hearts desire is to always have "all her family" together hanging out and just being friends. Maybe she is part Hawaiian, where everyone is cousin and family?!?!?!

She is turning 9 but her sole is millions of years older. She takes on responsibilities and internalizes oh so much! She is a smart toad! She is quick witted and a tease. Often she is found teasing her dad, sister or really anyone around.

We have had a go of it for the last few years and I hope and pray she can continue to be a happy, loving person and enjoy her childhood. She is growing up way to fast!!

Her smile brightens my world every day!

I love you Katybug! Happy 9th Birthday baby girl! No matter how old you or I get, you will always be my baby girl!!!

Monday, July 25, 2011


What is it about Summer and my desire to get pregnant? Seriously EVERY summer (even when we go hiking or riding 4 wheelers (no no when preggers) and both are HARD with a little baby I think, "Oh man I want another one".

I would always take another one. I think this one might just be the wish of my heart that never is answered in this life.

Just an update!

My Katybug turns 9 this week. How on earth am I old enough for a 9 year old?!? I am so grateful for that girl I could never express it. She is selfless and loving. She gives to any and all. She is kind. She always tries hard to do what is right.

I am so grateful for me little girl that is growing up WAY to fast!

Ben is super busy with his 2 jobs. I don't even know where to start or what to do about it all. All Katy wants for her birthday is to go see the whales in California. We didn't make it out on Saturday due to some family stuff. Now I am desperately scrambling to find WHEN we can go so she can see her blue whales. I am going to try to get this next Saturday off. If I can get it maybe, just maybe, the loads will cooperate and we will be able to get to California to see those whales! Wish us luck!! I really want Ben to make it with us but I am free on Mondays and Tuesdays and he is free on Saturdays and Sundays. I could do Sunday but loads are always soooo full on Sunday nights it worries me to fly standby home. Ben HAS to be at work each and every Monday.

Since we weren't able to do California we did a fun BBQ at my parents house. The kids had a blast and Nanner provided AWESOME fireworks. It was relaxing and REALLY fun! I love my Katy and so glad we got to celebrate a her birthday all together. Now I just need to make plans for her actual birthday. She just says, "I don't care" any time I ask her what she wants to do!

Let's see what else is going on. We had an AWESOME sleep over at our house last night. Nanner (my sister Jana) and her kids came and camped out. My girls were in HEAVEN!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my calling. I am so grateful to have it. I love those kids so much and especially now that I am not so overwhelmed with work and health I am able to see so many blessings from this wonderful, best calling in the church. It truly is one of the best callings I have ever had! I love the women I serve with and the kids we serve well they are just the best!!!

I will post on Katy's birthday later and what we ended up doing. For now I get to scramble my brains to try and figure it out!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I am a Bridezilla only without the wedding when it comes to pictures!!

We took pictures with the Grandchildren on Ben's side of the family! Boy was it fun. I NEVER want to take pictures of my own children again! They mope, cry and whine and by the end...we all want to run away like Lyse is in this picture!!

No was not a happy time! I wish I could be the type of mom to be an awesome picture taker and get awesome pictures. Instead when it is "formal" like these, I get STRESSED! Stressed Tauni does NOT lead to happy people around her. I lash out :( Poor Katy and Lyse had their heads handed to them for not cooperating and just smiling in the photos with the group. Seriously, most of the photos with them looked like this:

And that was a Happy look on Katy and Lyse's Face. There were some really nice ones like this:

Doesn't Lyse just looked OVER JOYED TO THE MOON HAPPY about this photo? No you say? Oh well She does great when it is a solo see:

I don't know what it is but that child just does not like photos in groups. She will ALWAYS find a way not to be happy. She did it when we took pictures almost 2 years ago. Hence the reason no formal picture since. Now maybe it is because I become a raving lunatic! I want the pictures to look nice and perfect! I need help! I dearly want to have fun family pictures in which the MEMORIES are just as happy! Help!! Anyone? I mean seriously I become Bridezilla but without the wedding its just pictures so Portraitmomzilla? POMOzilla? Not sure what you would call it but whatever it is, it ain't pretty.

I love pictures to look beautiful. I always tell the kids, picture day is my day. They don't get to pick or fight about hair, clothes or the application of make-up. I don't do tons of make-up just enough to add to features (such as mascara to make their eyes pop!). I also like to do foundation because seriously, makes the skin look AMAZING in photos! Doesn't cover up anything (like Katy's adorable freckles) just makes the skin look even. Even if she is grumpy faced like this:

However, she did also give me this:

The problem is if the pictures don't turn out and the kids act as previous photos show...well it just ain't good. I am not proud of how I acted at all. I hate that Katy got yelled at for getting chocolate on her shirt or that she wished she could do the pictures over cause I kinda told her and Lyse I was sad that they wouldn't just SMILE!

Seriously, I am not sure what I have done wrong to make it that they don't smile in pictures. Do I make their lives that miserable? I don't know. I do know that man alive...I want a family picture so bad but I don't think I can do it again! Just takes too much out of me!

However, this shoot is over and done and I am hoping that there happens to be a miracle and a beautiful picture of all the kids comes out! I do know that I do have beautiful kids and I did get some fun beautiful pictures of them so I will share the rest!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Picturific Times AKA Picture Post

I need to get caught up in posting pictures so there are a few!! It starts with the girls dance recital on Thursday, May 12, 2011:

My hip hop Katy

And Jazz Toed Lyse

These next few are when we went to Sea World as a family with my parents. I think it was in April that we went but it might have been March. Hmmmm...guess I should be better about record keeping!!

This is me and my eternal sweet heart! I sure love him lots and lots!!!

Fusca - um...Shamu? Gotta love the slug bug game when a Shamu car is involved!!!

Shamu rocks that night...right after a cold ride on the Rapids!

This was on a day trip to Cali - Ben's 31st Birthday on March 31st at the beach!!!
Oh how I love the beach!
Now that is some true sisterly love there I tell ya! Katy is such an amazing sister, I can hardly believe how giving and loving she is!!

Bracing for the waves!!

Another self portrait of me and my love!Ben and his girls, playing in the ocean!!

Now this is the day trip to San Diego - Sea World that we did on June 27th!

The new Shamu stadium all decorated for the new show!

This was Katy's self taken picture in grandma and grandpa's room. They went out the night before.
Lyse in Shamu's stadium.

Katy at the Shamu stadium and you can see Shamu in the water behind her (ok it's not's just a killer whale but aren't all whales in Sea World named Shamu?!? )
This is in the new turtle bay area. The kids loved it here!
Gotta love them turtles!

The picture above is from when we went to Idaho for Grandma and Grandpa Greats 60th wedding anniversary. We tried to keep busy playing games for part of it. The kids did not last long :( :)
Back to Sea World on the 27th...sorry these jump around so much!

This "little" crab was the crab we saw in California at Newport Beach on July 7th when we went!