Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween and Month of Gratitude Day 1

This month I am going to post something each day that I am grateful for. Before I can state my simple "I am thankful for" I need to also share my Halloween night story!

I am always Grateful for the large, HUGE blessings in my life that my husband and children bring. I would always love to start off with those.

Last night watching my kids Trick or Treat I of course fell in love with watching the joy it brought them. The simple pleasures of being a family. We piled in the back of my parents pickup truck with blankets and drove the kids to each circle. Mainly it was out of my lack of energy to walk the ENTIRE neighborhood but oh how the kids loved it and had fun. My sister and her 2 kids, my brother, his wife and daughter than Ben, me and the girls were there. Later my other brother let his little girl join us. It was a riot and blast having the 9-10 of us in the back of that truck. GREAT memories!!!

It was so fun to watch Lyse literally RUN from house to house in excitement. Katy LOVED getting to ride in the back of the truck which is usually off limits. I really enjoyed when Ben gave up the drivers seat and joined me in the back. All the adults sat and talked as the kids ran from house to house and we slowly followed. It was great. If 1 kid got tired for a bit they would come ride along, regain energy then off they would run once their energy was regained.

Seriously...it is one of the greatest ways to do trick or treating with a large group of kids that have a wide age range.

Other groups would say, "hey smart idea!". One little boy watched us and turned to his mom and said, "Hey mom they are cheating!" Best comment of the night. We cheated at trick or treating I guess!

We watched and smiled and watched more the joy of the kids running house to house.

We laughed and pretended scared as an adult dressed up as a scary scarecrow with pumpkin head "chased" after the truck full of kids. The truck killed out and was unable to move (its a clutch and yes it was all in fun). Seriously soooo fun!

At one point Katy fell and got hurt. She climbed onto my lap in the back and we snuggled for a bit. I joked with her she needed to convince a cousin to take her bag up to each door with them so she didn't miss out on the treats. We smiled and laughed and she stayed on my lap for another 5 minutes or so. As I reached for a treat in her bag I realized her bag WAS missing! As I searched through the blankets for it, my sweet niece Brooklyn hopped back into the back of the truck with the bag. She heard us and decided to do just that for her cousin. As she climbed in she had a story to tell! She was appalled and laughing. When I asked what happened she told this story (realize she is 12 and looks about 14).

"I went to the door, said trick or treat and I was the last of the group left. All the other kids left me. I put out my bag and she gave me a HUGE handful of candy bars. I had Katy's bag cause I didn't want her to miss out on the candy cause of being hurt. I pulled out my second bag and said trick or treat and before I could explain it was my cousins bag that old lady gave me the NASTIEST look and took 1 candy bar out of her bowl and put it in my bag and just glared. I was going to explain it was for my cousin and the whole situation but I looked at that lady and thought to myself "nope she wont believe me anyway whatever' so I just walked off"

I haven't laughed that hard in AGES. Seriously, my stomach and abs hurt from laughing so hard! I keep thinking of this little old lady handing out candy. I would think of what she must of thought. I realize the truth of it. I laughed even harder. Oh man alive, it still brings a smile to my face and makes me want to laugh! Priceless I tell ya!

The weather was great, the company was wonderful. It was an amazing Halloween! We ended the night at my neighbors spook alley. We got lost in his maze (it was ingenious the way he had it designed...super smart!!)

It was a great night. I think I might clue the "old lady" my niece "duped" in on the whole story. I actually really know her and I think she would get a GREAT laugh out of it, knowing the full story!

Anyway - so now to finish the post with the reason I even started it.


This month is a month of gratitude so each day I am going to try and come here and state something that I am grateful for. I am always grateful for my husband, kids, family. So I am going to try and go outside the box. Find little things that make me happy.

Today - Hot Chocolate! It warms you up and there is just something about it that makes you HAPPY! After great weather last night, today SNOW came! It has been mighty COLD. For breakfast I had a piece of toast and hot chocolate. Man alive that tasted delicious. It also warmed me up! It was great!!

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