I have been so busy that something had to give...and unfortunately it has been this blog.
Man sooooo much has happened over this last few months it is hard to put it all down.
First - I got the promotion at work (Lead in my department) and I am not a full time working mom :( Man that is hard to type. It is easier to live than I thought in some ways and much harder in others. I am truly blessed to work for the company I do and that I have some flexibility. I do love my new position and that is a HUGE bonus to having to go to work full time.
I have been reminded over and over and OVER again that our Father in Heaven is keenly aware of where we are at in life. If we ask and pray for a miracle, he will provide! My new position requires Saturday and Sunday work. Those are the only 2 days I get with my family. It has been really, really hard coming to terms with missing church EVERY SINGLE week for the unforseeable future.
Last week, I knelt in humble prayer and begged my Father in Heaven for a miracle. A way that I could attend church on Sunday, have a day with my family and still be able to work my job and help provide for our temporal needs. Within the week, everything at work changed and my work schedule went from working Wed-Sun to being 4 10's and working Mon, Tues, Fri, Sat from 0700-1730. This is only temporary for a few weeks however when it happened I distinctly remember thinking, "This is your miracle and more will come. You are being heard." My kids are off track during this time. This makes it that I am able to spend more days with them while also able to spend time with my family on Sundays and go to church. My prayers have been heard.
Christmas has hit full force and Ben and I are busy making beds for American Girl Dolls for Christmas. I am not sure I knew what I was undertaking when I started this!! I am super excited for these cute beds and it will be so fun Christmas morning watching the girls open up their presents from us.
Katy and Lyse are doing really well. Lyse has struggled a bit more than Katy with my full time work status. My heart hurts that more of her life she will know me working and working full time than she won't recall it. That is hard. Katy has been great about taking on the responsibilities needed and I am so impressed with the amazing girls I have been blessed to raise.
There have been sooo many times I have thought, "I need to write this down" and then I just haven't done it and I feel horrid to have lost so much of our history the last few months.
At the beginning of November, Grandma Great Hawker was diagnosed with Breast cancer. That was a shock wave through the family. We were able to go up and visit Grandpa and Grandma on Grandpa's birthday. I am so grateful we got that time with them. I love them more than I ever really express.
The first large snow fall in November happened to be the day we drove up to Idaho. We just did a day trip up so the Saturday after we were home. That day we spent the day working hard...PLAYING. Seriously, the entire day we played. We made HUGE snowmen, build snow forts and had a snowball fight with them. We went sledding and had hot chocolate. You name the winter adventure and we tried to do it that day! It was so much fun to just spend the entire day playing with our kids. I am so grateful we did it. The next day I could barely move! Who knew that playing in the snow would make you so sore!!! I will try to get Ben to post the snowman pictures up here soon. It was amazing and I am so grateful we spent the day just playing with our kids (we don't do that often enough).
Shay announced she is pregnant and I am excited to have a new niece/nephew this next summer. I love babies. I hope we get 1 more some day!
Ben's job had a scary bit with lots of lay offs the same day I started my new position. Once again, our Father in Heaven watching out for us. He was spared but I am hoping in the next bit he is able to get a better paying and more stable job. It feels like it is time.
We have had many fun and many tragic things happen in the world around us lately. I am grateful for my Savior and that we have temples for eternal families. I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that truly is a God of miracles and provides them for my family daily.
Doctrine and Covenants 8:2
2 Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart.